May 19, 2006

Oh right. I had sort of forgotten about this.

So anyway, I've been playing music with a couple of guys, a guitarist and a drummer, playing the guitarist's three-chord garage-type songs. I'm not sure whether it's going anywhere, but it's fun for now. My last band had really well-crafted songs that allowed me to write interesting, melodic basslines, but we didn't rock out all that much. This is pretty much the opposite.

Now, one thing you should know about me as a musician is that I play hard. I mean, I can play with finesse if the situation calls for it, but I'm happiest when I can bang the shit out of my instrument. Back when I played guitar, I broke like, three times as many strings as anyone else. As a bassist, it's the primary reason I play with a pick: you just can't pluck a string nearly as hard as you can slam it with a tortoiseshell extra heavy, like the ones I just bought.

So after practice last Tuesday, I was packing up my gear when I realized that my hand hurt. I looked at it and realized that, while I was playing, I had managed to remove a dime-sized patch of skin from the heel by repeatedly banging it against my low E string. Ow. And also, awesome. It's been a while since I rocked so hard that it literally hurt.


Amy said...

I've been waiting for a damn long time for you to update this, and it was totally worth it.

You rock hard. Literally. I think it's great.

Do you think it would be possible to make some songs that and nuanced and melodic and yet still scrape the skin off your palms? I would listen to that.

Kirk said...

Wow, it worked. I asked Jenny to update again, and she did! Guess I shouldn't have waited FIVE MONTHS. Anyway, glad to hear you're alive and rocking out. Stay in touch, yo.